List of UIC country codes

The UIC Country Code is a two digit number used to identify member countries of the International Union of Railways (UIC). The UIC has issued numbering systems for rolling stock and train stations that both contain the UIC Country Code. The values are defined in UIC leaflet 920-14.

Table of Codes





10 FIN Finland
20 RUS Russia
21 BLR Belarus
22 UA Ukraine
23 MD Moldova
24 LT Lithuania
25 LV Latvia
26 EST Estonia
27 KZ Kazakhstan
28 GE Georgia
29 UZ Uzbekistan
30 PRK North Korea
31 MGL Mongolia
32 VN Vietnam
33 RC China
40 C Cuba
41 AL Albania
42 J Japan
44 BIH Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
50 BIH Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
51 PL Poland
52 BG Bulgaria
53 RO Romania
54 CZ Czech Republic
55 H Hungary
56 SK Slovakia
57 AZE Azerbaijan
58 ARM Armenia
59 KS Kyrgyzstan
60 IRL Ireland
61 ROK South Korea
62 CG (MNE) Montenegro
65 MK Macedonia
66 TJ Tajikistan
67 TM Turkmenistan
70 GB United Kingdom
71 E Spain
72 SRB Serbia
73 GR Greece
74 S Sweden
75 TR Turkey
76 N Norway
78 HR Croatia
79 SLO Slovenia
80 D Germany
81 A Austria
82 L Luxembourg
83 I Italy
84 NL Netherlands
85 CH Switzerland
86 DK Denmark
87 F France
88 B Belgium
90 ET Egypt
91 TN Tunisia
92 DZ Algeria
93 MA Morocco
94 P Portugal
95 IL Israel
96 IR Iran
97 SYR Syria
98 RL Lebanon
99 IRQ Iraq
